lunedì 29 dicembre 2014

How To Blitz An Accelerated Degree Program (It's Not As Hard As You Think)

Accelerated degrees have continued to grow as an exciting and rewarding way to get your degree, and then be able to enter the workforce as quickly as possible.
More students enroll with them at every turn, and there are many benefits to doing so.

Still, the benefits come with their own challenges as well, and it's important to know how exactly you can give yourself the best chance to succeed and survive when enrolling in an accelerated program.
The first thing you have to realize is that all of the benefits do come with their own unique tradeoffs, as mentioned above.

Being able to complete a degree in as little as two years or less is absolutely fantastic. It also means that you'll have to work hard and squeeze in a lot of courses and work into a short period of time, so it's not all going to be a walk in the park. Regular college students have a full month off during the winter, and then at least three months off the in the summer, not to mention other extended breaks throughout the year.

You'll be saying goodbye to those, so that you can fit more courses into a shorter window, and you'll also be taking a full load of courses for each session to keep you on pace. Knowing all of this, if you want to succeed with an accelerated degree, ideally you should be self-motivated and a self-starter. You'll be the only one responsible for cracking the whip for your own studies and homework.

This means you need to stay focused and stay on track, and you need to be able to get yourself moving all on your own. One way to help do this is to always remember why you're working so hard. Remember the great benefit and the reason why you signed up to begin with - the two years to completing an entire degree from scratch. That's half the time it would otherwise takes, and that's two more years you'll have on your side to gain experience in the field, earn your salary, land your dream job, and on down the line.
You should take advantage of the flexibility offered by online accelerated programs. This means studying at any time of the day or night, and any time of the week, when it can be fit into your existing schedule.
There are no restrictions, so be sure to use that to its fullest. It's all about finding a time, place or setting so that it's convenient for you, and so that you can really focus and thrive no matter what else is going on with your life.
That might mean first thing in the morning, late at night, weekend afternoons, lunch breaks or who knows when else, but whenever it is, just make sure it works for you.

Remember, you don't have to study or complete your work at any time that isn't ideal for you and you alone.

These have been just a few quick tips to help you succeed with an accelerated learning program, and there are certainly many others.
You should be self-motivated and you need to stay committed and focused, and you should maximize your time and do your work where, when and how it's convenient for you.

If you do all of this, in just two years you'll have a brand new bachelors degree in your hand.

Is the Book a Dead Duck?

Amazon's Kindle has revolutionised reading. No longer do we need to trek to the bookshop to pick up a good read, we simply download it.

Never in a million years would I, an avid reader for more than fifty years, have suspected that such a thing would have been possible.
After all a book, is a book, is a book. Not anymore it isn't, the book is now the eBook. So, is that it for the poor old book.

Had it's day has it? This book is no more! This book has fallen off it's perch.

apology to Monty Python, sorry guys! So, that's it, it was King of the Castle and now the book is the Dirty Rascal. Well, maybe not.
Let's think this thing through. There's a lot of people out there who hate technology and so, if your are a techno-phobic citizen, you're not going to want to buy a Kindle, are you.

Then there's the guys who can't work an ATM let alone a Kindle.
Those who are allergic to Kindles. Those who read in the bath.



if Amazon can make a Kindle out of sponge, make it float and not electrocute the user they are on a sure-fire winner with that one.
But moreover there are those who will never enjoy browsing Amazon for a good book, they want a book store to do their browsing. These browsers are the future for the small and specialist book shops that are bound to spring up now that the book has been deemed defunct.

With the demise of the big bookstores and the rise of the downloaded eBook, small book shops will make a comeback.

In fact, I would go so far as to say that small print run companies are in a unique position to fill the inevitable gap that will be left when a few of the dinosaur publishers fall by the wayside in the not too distant future.
The book as a product is currently taking a bashing from the eBook, but the book is a revered human invention and something a lot of people will not give up. The book probably has a much longer shelf-life and will be around for some time to come.
After all, it was Johannes Gutenberg, in around 1439, who was the first European to use the moveable typeface and the inventor of the printing press. His invention has had a massive impact on human knowledge and played a key role in creating a learning based economy and the spread of learning to the masses.
That makes the book over five hundred years old.

I wouldn't mind betting the Kindle will not be around that long. In this throw away era, something will come along to knock the current King off its pedestal. Who knows, maybe books will become treasured pieces, like ancient vases, and fetch a few million at auction.
I doubt we will ever be able to say that of a Kindle. Copyright (c) Tom Sowler 2011

domenica 28 dicembre 2014

Video Games As Isolating Activities

Often people assume that playing computer games or video games is a very anti social activity, and is a solo activity which isolates an individual from the real world, cuts them off from other people and then allows them to sit on their own in a small dark room hitting keys over and over again in order to mindlessly destroy anything that moves on their screen.

In fact, nothing could be very much further from the truth, and in fact those people who play computer games on their own, completely cut off from interaction with other people in any way are such a minority group it may prove hard to find anyone to actually put in to it. Quite apart from not being a solo activity, recent research has found that over 66% of people who play computer or video games do so with their friends, either sat with them advising, or actually with a second handset competing in the same game. 30% of gamers play with their brothers or sisters and a quarter of all gamers play with either their parents or their partners.

This completely goes against the argument that most people lay on their own, and shows that the majority of people play as a social game, in various combinations and ways.

Even taking in to account that there may be 20% to 30% of people who do play games without someone else being physically with them, it is still not possible to generalise isolation by suggesting that these people are cut off from any kind of social interaction.

Many games these days are what is referred to as multi player, meaning that more than one person can play the game at the same time, and with a very wide number of the most popular video games being online too, this means that all players will be competing against and taking part with other real people, rather than the computer.
In fact, many of these online multiplayer games have relatively little input from the computer, and far more input from the people playing the game against each other.
One of the main requirements of many of these multiplayer online games is that people group together and try to work out strategies and tactics to overcome certain obstacles, opponents and challenges.
This will require great teamwork, very in depth discussions involving roles and group work, and will require people to work together as individuals and as a team. As a result, many players become part of a more stable and permanent group which means that there are people known to each other ready to take on challenges without having to start all over each time analyzing their strengths and weaknesses.
These groups can become social groups, meeting outside of the game, and there are many examples where people who have met through these groups have gone on to develop meaningful friendships and relationships beyond the game. Video games are most certainly not isolating - for many, they open doors to friendships that the real world may never have offered.

The Many Reasons for Hiring a Generator

There will come a time in almost everybody's life when the prospect of hiring a generator to create a new and temporary power source can be very appealing. But there are, of course, many reasons why someone, whether they're an individual or a company would hire a generator, and here are just a few of those very different reasons.

An Event These days hardly a week passes by without the launch of a music festival, the start of a major cultural event or the announcement of a wedding that is to be held outdoors.

These events all have two things in common: they are all being held outside, and they will all need power, such as electricity, in order to succeed.

After all, who wants to attend a music festival, in the middle of a field, when there's no electricity to power the lights, the instruments, the amps, or even the burger bars? This is where a generator comes in very, very handy, as a generator can solve all these problems by creating electricity in a location where there might not be as much electricity as we're used to, or in some cases, none at all.

At big music festivals, several generators are hired from temporary power specialists in order to cope with the huge demand for power.

Whereas, at a much smaller even like a country wedding, the needs will not be as great, and just one generator needs to be used to create electricity.
An Emergency Try as we might to prevent them, emergencies happen every day, and there are occasions when an emergency situation leads to a loss of power to certain areas of a town, or even just certain people living on the same street.
While these can be rare, and can be cause by very simple happenings, such as maintenance work, the loss of power can be very difficult for people to cope with.

So while the power is being restored, a generator is usually brought in to create a temporary source of power for residents.

A Blackout While in some countries blackouts are scarcely heard of, in others they are a weekly occurrence, due to a number of factors.

However, rising demands for power, particularly in the colder months, in Western countries have out pressure on every country's national grid, and in an effort to cope with strains on power, many councils have turned to generator hire to ensure that no one goes without power if the worst should come to the worst. So, that's three very different, but no less important reasons to hire a generator, so whether you're going to a festival, a wedding, or you're facing a few days of blackouts, always remember where that back up power comes from.

Prom Dresses For 2009

When it comes to prom night, the preparations get started quiet earlier especially among girls.
Prom night is a special occasion held in schools and high schools usually at the end of year.

So a prom night is not complete with a complete dress up and full fledges personality that night. One knows very well that how much importance does a prom dress have, not only on for the prom night but also for other occasional where there is need to carve the personality prints.
Now that the prom dresses of 2009 are getting prepared after the prom dress 2008 made a remarkable mark in the market. These are all valued for being available to every one and to any kind of customer.
Prom dress selection is really a concerned matter and now Internet have made it easier to get it according to your pocket and mind from different online shops. You can get suggestions from the designers as well and those who are trendsetters can make their own choice.
Prom dresses are of different types and categories. These all vary according to the occasion and the girls mind what they wish to wear.

Its now easy to get your prom dress through Internet, and of your type by checking catalogues and putting your budget in front.

If you think that to order it online-its safe and you will be counted among those who are experienced of buying online.

A lot of things matter before buying prom dresses. Not only budget matters but also personal points are to be kept in front. The prom dress looks good only what you view, that is if you see any dress and say that it will also look the same if you wear is not correct.

One keeps in mind that prom dress is dress that is worn for once but has an everlasting impression.
The collection of prom dress 2009 has such proven looks that it will bring eyes back to the dress.
Before you get to buy a dress you need to know what your body type is.
Then comes the quality of the dress, its fabric material, design style and also the appearance it will create on you. Then not the least comes the budget, it depends on what type of customer you are, whether you are savvy buyer or spend a lot of money on your dress. The color of the dress is also important that is it must suit your skin tone.

Your inner is brought out by the selection of the dress you choose for yourself.
Whether you are graceful girl, a seductive sense or a pretty pink girl.
It all speaks out just by your dress selection. Body measurements are important and should be accurate before getting a prom dress, if you are bulky don't think that you will lose weight quick till the prom night and you get a thin dress for yourself, this will crush your personality rather you should boldly go for what is your body type and try it on yourself so that you can make your mind according to the dress. Help yourself with the walking practice in the prom dress, though the prom dress of 2009 are convincing, it has a range that will reach majority of women's selection for the prom night, but still you must be completely ready for every thing along with the final dress.

Through Internet you can get the branded and the local shops of prom dresses like that of Tiffany and can get different categories dress like formal dresses, a party type or any occasional prom dress at variety of prices from expensive to cheap rates for all types of customers.
Prom dresses mean a lot to the wearer, it is dress that makes you feel different from daily life, so it is to be chosen carefully and with whole heart.

Prom dresses range of 2009 is heart throbbing after the successful utility of prom dresses 2008.

sabato 27 dicembre 2014

Why Do Kids Love Riding Bikes?

How often do you see young people riding their bikes around your neighbourhood? All the time right? They chase each other up and down the street, they practice skidding round corners and jumping over kerbs and all the time with a big grin on their faces. But why is it that their typically short attention spans manage to hold for hours and hours and never seem to get bored? Here are a few suggestions why: Freedom One of the biggest reasons why kids enjoy cycling around may be the one they don't realise. Being in control of a bike and being able to go where they want quickly offers them possibly the first taste of freedom in their lives.
Children will spend most of their lives at home or at school and may be able to go and hang out with their friends outside.
A bike offers them much more freedom to move around at will.

While they may not be able to put a name on the feeling, they certainly feel more free on a bike.
Transport If you drive then you know what it was like when you first started driving on your own.
You could forget the bus, stop waiting for lifts from friends and family and stop walking completely as having your own mode of transport is a great feeling.
Not only does this give you freedom it is also a practicality that you can suddenly appreciate.

Going to the shops is less of a chore, going to your friend's house takes a fraction of the time and you can even take yourself to school.

Showing Off Being able to jump off a kerb, over a pot hole and then back up onto the opposite kerb may not look that impressive to you, but to a kid that shows that they are in control of their 'vehicle' and that they can do something skillful which their friends just might be envious of. Not only this but if they have a bike which is a certain colour or which has BMX grips or is some kind of hybrid bike, this all adds up to a great tool for showing off.

Exercise Even though they may not know it, kids enjoy the exercise they get from cycling.

If you offered them a cycling machine in their bedroom it would probably never get used.
But give them a blue BMX bike with a whole skate park to ride around in, they will be off like a shot and not come back until dark. Exercise releases pleasure chemicals in everyone's body so part of the smile they get from cycling is down to this inadvertent exercise.

Making Progress in LOTRO on a Time Budget

Many of us gamers are merely "casual players", meaning we don't have too much time to dump into an MMORPG.
I was excited to join a guild but quickly learned how dedicated and intense some players can be.
I looked around for an advantage to catch back up; something that would give me the one-up like a LOTRO solo leveling guide or something to that effect.

Due to the fact that I couldn't log on at prime time with my friends, I was forced to kill random monsters if the quests I were on proved too difficult. Feeling there might be quests I should be able to do alone, I started looking into a Lotro solo leveling guide.

I was really impressed with some of the guides I found online.

I was amazed at where this guide was leading me to go, I had never considered some of these places. The cool part was the whole guide was designed to help players like me reach level 60 based on soloable quests and monsters. The best part of the guide was that it told me to keep my eyes open for groups in while soloing in certain areas. Ultimately, it all boils down to drive and dedication; if you want to climb the level ladder and hang out with the big players, soloing is a viable option (it just takes longer). All the guides did were point me to areas where I could knock out three or four quests at the same time.

The guides emphasized running from mobs that weren't related to your quests so that you didn't waste time fighting each monster that attacked you.

Remember to use your mount to travel more quickly and you'll be speeing around the map in no time.
A well made LOTRO solo leveling guide can make a huge difference in your ability to progress in the game. It's great feeling like you did something worthwhile and fun instead of just wasting time in LOTRO while not making much progress.
I hope this brief article helps shed some light on something I was previously unaware of as these guides have helped me enjoy LOTRO so much more.
Remember, it is possible to find other players and guilds who aren't all about blazing through the game as fast as they can.
Keep your eye out for other solo players that are leveling alone and reach out to them; you may make a new friend or two!