domenica 7 dicembre 2014

Self Expression And Hydration For Kids Using Custom Water Bottles

One of the simplest gifts to improve your child's health is the use of a personalized water bottle. Doctors recommend at least six to eight glasses of water each day. Compared to the flashy soda cans and pop bottles, a clear glass of plain old boring water can lose appeal for most kids.

Let alone drinking six to eight glasses of boring water.

Keeping hydrated is crucial for all humans and kids tend to be far more active then most adults and thus tend to need more water.

Using personalized water bottles for kids is a great way to make drinking water more attractive as water bottles are trendy to own.
These come is many colours styles and designs.

With so many options, there is likely a water bottle to match their current passion, be it Barbie, Batman or Elmo. Some come in stainless-steel for a little extra money and are commonly considered safer then the their plastic counterparts. Many personalized bottles come with simple prefabricated designs such as a butterfly for girls or a firetruck for boys. However there are water bottles that come with name kits.
With these products the child can add there specific name to their personal bottle. A normal bottle would be forgotten or left at home on purpose.
A brightly coloured personalized bottle, proudly boasting their actual name on it will be something they can happily carry around with them.

This would greatly increase the odds of them taking in more water during the day.

If they are excited about it, they are more likely to use it.

The sugared beverage companies' entire market hinges on this concept.
Make it fun and they will carry it with them.

Along with bottles there are also water bottle labels that you can purchase to add to your favourite bottle you might already own, or a special one you want to buy for the purpose of personalizing it.

Not only is drinking water very important for a child's body but having a form of self expression is also healthy for the psyche. In this culture we live in self expression is very important.
With conformity being encouraged or sometimes forced, our voice sometimes feels lost in the sea of media. This is even more true for children growing up in this fast paced society that seems to be stuck on overdrive. With a personalized bottle or really any personalized idea they may have, it will be refreshing and reassuring as a individual to own something that isn't like everyone else. With the natural physical and metal benefits of drinking water, plus the fun and joy of having, making and carrying a personalized item, there are certainly many reasons to consider these products.

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