venerdì 26 dicembre 2014

Legacy Time: NO Fun on Sunday

This past Sunday I decided to make a small twist to my UG Madness deck.

A friend let me borrow some Natural Orders and a Progenitus for day. Also, I make a few other changes to my deck that can be seen here: Lands: 21 4x Polluted Delta 4x Misty Rainforest 4x Wasteland 3x Breeding Pool 1x Tropical Island 2x Island 2x Forest 1x Taiga Creatures: 18 4x Wild Mongrel 4x Basking Rootwalla 4x Arrogant Wurm 2x Fauna Shaman 2x Civilized Scholar 1x Wonder 1x Progentius Other Spells: 21 3x Natural order 4x Circular Logic 3x Daze 3x Force of Will 4x Brainstorm 2x Spell Pierce 2x Deep Analysis Sideboard: 15 2x Spell Pierce 3x Pithing Needle 1x Daze 2x Tormod's Crypt 2x Krosan Grip 2x Ancient Grudge 2x Chill 1x Molten-Tail Masticore As I said before, I added in the NO combo in just to see how I liked it.
As you will see, I never got the combo off. So, I'm not sure how I feel about it.
The combo player in me loves the idea of just winning on turn four, but if I never even draw any of the cards except one game, then I'm not sure.

We'll just have to test it for in the future, I guess.

Other Mainboard changes were that I cut the Aquamoebas and replaced them with two Fauna Shamans and two Civilized Scholar.
I did not feel like Aquamoebas 3/1 body if I discard a card was better then paying a green to search for Wonder and discarding it to give my attackers flying.
I only own two Fauna Shamans, however.
So, I went a little deeper to see if I could find a creature that discards a card that might be better than Aquamoeba. (Meanwhile, I order another Fauna Shaman online.) I needed two slots, and I remembered I own two foil Civilized Scholars.
They cannot be any worse than Aquamoeba, right? A 5/1 flyer that let you draw a card is fun. Also, that flavor.
If anything else, I could just take him out after the tournament and never think about flying him again. Also, my Stifles are still not here. So, that's why they are still absent.
:/ This past week, I went through and gave serious thought to my Sideboard.
I need more protection from activated abilities.
So, I put in three Needles.
Also, there are a lot of combo decks in my meta.
Counter spells it is. I plan on having 2 Daze main and 2 side, but with the lack one a playset of Force of Wills, I still wanted a "free" counter.
Yes, I am aware that Daze is not as good as Force.

I added Molten-Tail Masticore because I wanted to try him out.

I just really like the card for some reason. Its one of those cards I've always wanted to play with, and I wanted to give it a try. With these changes in mind, here are the rounds I played.
Round 1: Round one was against the guy that let me borrow his Natural Orders.
He was playing Junk Depths In game one, we started by just trading resources.

We Wastelanded a few lands and I Force of Will'd his Bob. Eventually, he drew stuff and things, and he got me after I did not play a whole lot.
In the second game, he kept a bad hand with a lot of discard spells. That seems awesome for me.
After using a Civilized Scholar to discard a Wonder, I attacked for five in the air.

What a Wonder-ful combo. Yeah. I flying army became too much for him once I got an Arrogant Worm in play. In the last game, I got a Pithing Needle in play naming Thespian's Stage.

But Abrupt Decay handled that, and a Knight of the Reliquary activated was all it took with an active Dark Depths in play to end the match 0-1 Round 2: In the second round, I played against a Red Greed pile of cards Deck.

In the first game, I played a turn two Wild Mongrel that eventually allowed me to cheat a couple Rootwallas in play that were pumped and flying thanks to Wonder in my graveyard.
The second game kind of went the same way. The different was that I was able to get an active Fauna Shaman to get Wonder to discard to Civilized Scholar. After doing five in the air for a few turns, it was game over.
1-1 Round 3: The three round put me up against Tin Fins.
In the first game, I played a Breeding Pool tapped with a Daze in hand. He played around Daze and went off on his turn one.

In the second game, he tried to go off on turn one, but I had Force of Will and double Daze in hand. I then attacked with my Rootwalla for a couple turns before Wonder had to join the board (I didn't draw any other creature).

After he Chain of Vapor'd my Wonder back to my hand, I managed to attack for lethal two turns later.
The third game started off with him going off and running into a counter spell.
He then tried two more times that game.
I had him at one two different types in the process.
The last time I had him at one and lethal on board he managed to go off and Tendril me for lethal with one card left in his library. 1-2 Round 4: The last round was against a WB Humans deck, but not the one I played against last week.
This guy says he's been collecting for years, but just now has started playing.
So, he's still new to deckbuilding.
In the first game, he just did not draw anything, and for some reason did not mulligan.
After my Wild Mongrel and Rootwalla did some attacking, the game was over.

In the second game, he managed to get some humans out and kill off two of my guys. After I got a flying army in play, he could not really do much.
2-2 I really like this deck. It makes for some fun games.
I still need to work on tuning the deck the what I want it to be.

Hopefully, I can still progress with this deck in the future, and get it up to par.
There are some changes I am going to make to the deck.
First, I received my third Fauna Shaman in the mail.

I'll be adding her and taking out one Civilized Scholar.

After thinking about it, I think I want to keep one Scholar in the deck.

I might stick with a 3/1 spit on the two cards for the next few week and see how I like it.

In the Sideboard, I want to replace Crypt with Surgical Extraction.
Against combo and graveyard decks, I can just get something important instead of waiting to remove a graveyard.
In the last game against Tin Fins, I drew a Tormod's Crypt, but he had the Chain of Vapor for it.

He didn't have an answer to Surgical, though.

Let's see how this Sunday goes. Thank you, Philip

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