mercoledì 10 dicembre 2014

Choosing the Right Solution for Algebra 1 Online

How often have you heard your students complain that they "just don't get" algebra? How frequently do you have to help a struggling student, only to find that your help is really not doing much good? This can be frustrating for both the student and the teacher.
However, there is a better way. Tools that teach algebra 1 online can help students learn more, faster and retain more of the information than what can be accomplished with "book learning" no matter how often you explain the different processes of the math.

Why is using an online resource good? There are several reasons that your students might benefit from learning algebra 1 online.
First, not all students learn in the same way.
Auditory learners and "book" learners might be fine with standard math classes.
However, visual learners will be forever at a disadvantage as long as you attempt to teach them in the traditional way.
Using an online resource allows you to tap into the visual aspect here and ensure that your students are able to learn in the way that is best for them.

Another reason that you might consider teaching your students with an algebra 1 online solution is that they will be more actively engaged.
Standard classroom lessons and course work are not the most engaging ways to reach your students.
In fact, this can alienate many of them, particularly those visual learners mentioned previously. When you use an online resource, you are able to engage your students on an intrinsic, deeper level. It's akin to the way that children are more "tuned in" to computer games and cartoons.
Often, this is all that is needed to transform a student from one who just doesn't get the concept to an active learner.
Finally, there is the element of control to consider, as well.
When you use algebra 1 online resources, you are able to give your students more control over their lesson.

They can pause the lesson, repeat parts of the lesson and generally learn at their own pace. This is good for both fast learners, and those who learn a bit more slowly.

By controlling the lesson, you give students the ability to learn at a pace that suits them, rather than forcing them to move along at one that does not suit their learning abilities. It also ensures that you do not have to stop the lesson and repeat elements for one or two students who are struggling to understand and thereby slow down the entire class' progress.

Of course, not all algebra 1 online programs are the same. You need to find a high quality program that offers accuracy, engaging animations, controls that the student can use and more. The best way to choose such a program for your own classroom is to look at the results such programs offer.

Those with the best quality information, design and functionality will also offer the best results for students.

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