lunedì 15 dicembre 2014

15 Steps To Pass The USMLE

The United States Medical Licensure Examination (USMLE) is the most important test series a medical student and doctor will take in order to practice medicine in the United States.

There are 15 steps they should follow in order to pass the USMLE.

The four examinations that comprise the USMLE are the Steps 1, 2 Clinical Knowledge, 2 Clinical Skills, and 3, and they can all be passed with high scores by following the 15 steps as a whole.
Carefully read and follow each step exactly as written to ensure a passing score on the first attempt.

Set test date.

The best way for medical students and doctors to focus on studying is to know when the USMLE is, so you must set your test date as soon as you get ready to study.

You feel more obligated to study once you have paid the actual cost for the exam.

This will keep you goal-centered and help you remember the need to study.

The closer it is to your USMLE, you will feel more pressure and the intensity of your studying will increase.

Do not schedule anything major within a month of your exam.

The last month before your USMLE should be stress-free. There should be no outside distractions to take your mind off your goal of passing the exam. Even small dilemmas should be postponed until after your test. You must be obligated to only one thing the month of your exam, and that is your exam.

3. Prepare as if the test is the next day.

You need to continue working hard throughout your study schedule. If you act as if your test is tomorrow, you will take less breaks and study more seriously. You will feel guilty doing anything other than studying because you know the importance of passing the USMLE. 4.

Exercise daily.

Exercise increases the blood circulation throughout the body. It will allow more blood flow to the brain so you can think more clearly, and it also increases adrenaline for more stamina to study.
During your studies, your stress levels go up causing you to become prone to get more infections, so exercise will boost your immune system to keep you healthier.


Answer and review questions before you study.

The best time to answer study questions is actually before you study.

By reading questions before you study, you can understand what the test writer is actually trying to ask you. You can understand what topics the writer thinks are more important, and then you can go study about those topics you were weak in. 6.

Set a study schedule and stick to it.

Once your test date is set, make a monthly schedule of all the topics that need to be reviewed to prepare you for your USMLE.
After the topic is delegated, you must make a daily schedule of everything that must be done hourly from the time you wake up until you go to sleep.

This will force you to stay on task and complete all your daily tasks, like answering and reviewing questions and drilling with your partner.
If anything should interrupt your daily schedule, you should stay awake and complete any undone tasks for the day.
Cover the answers before reading the question.
By covering the answers before reading the question, will keep you focused on the question at hand and not be distracted by what the answers could be.
This will also help you come up with your own answers.

After you have decided your answer, you should uncover the answer choices given, and choose the answer that matches closest to what you stated. 8. Read the last sentence in the question block first. The last sentence in the question block in usually the question the test writer is asking.
The rest of the block is a story to give you extra information and can be distracting to students. After reading the specific question, start formulating your own answer, and then if you have to read the rest of the question block, do so until you have an answer to the question. 9.
Read 2 sources. You should have one main textbook or review book to study from. This book should cover all the main topics that will be tested on your USMLE.
There should also be a supplemental book that you can use to look up topics that may not be thoroughly explained in your main book and can also give you a different viewpoint of the same topics but in a much clearer fashion. 10. Get a study partner to drill with.
After studying your daily topic, you should partner up with someone and have them ask you specific questions about what you have studied so far that day.
This will test your recall and decrease your timing so you can save time on your test day by not waiting long periods of time to remember topics that you have already covered.
11. Teach someone what you learned. You should be able to explain to someone else whatever topics you have learned.
If you cannot vocalize and draw pictures or graphs to teach another person something you previously have covered in your studies, you need to review that topic again. 12.
Keep a journal of all your incorrects.
After completing your study questions, you should review all your answers and write at least one thing about every incorrect question and/or answer. You should write these clues in a journal that will be easy for you to read and review before you sleep each night. 13. Sleep.

After an intense day of study, your body needs to rest.

Give your body at least 6-8 hours nightly to rejuvenate for the next day's journey of studying.
14. Eat a balanced diet. Eat foods from each of the basic food groups daily.

Balance your diet by eating various types of food. Include fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meats, carbohydrates, and fiber in your daily meals. These foods will not only nourish your body, but also give you the proper energy you need to complete your studies.

15. Eat test day foods.

Do not eat a big heavy meal for breakfast or lunch on your test day. These will make you sleepy, so make your dinner the night before your USMLE a heartily meal with steak or chicken and have a light breakfast and lunch the day of your exam. You may eat quick snacks to give you energy boosts on your test day, like energy bars, or chew gum or something crunchy to keep you awake. By using these 15 steps, you can ensure a passing score with minimal study time for the USMLE Steps 1, 2 Clinical Knowledge, 2 Clinical Skills, and 3. If done correctly, you can pass every USMLE on the first attempt.
There are so many review programs and videos available that re-teach medical school, but only a few explain how to apply the necessary information to pass the USMLE Steps.

The USMLE Master System is a perfect example of this type of review program that gives medical students and doctors the ease of studying in their homes, libraries, or work with high-yield online lectures and sample questions.
Medical students and doctors will also have access to online tutoring for those who have questions or need any uncertainties cleared up.

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